Father who was the
greatest mother
Recreated by
(I do not know who wrote the original but i read it in Tamil , poster by my friend Karikudi Mani Bhagawathar . It simply jerked
me in to tears.God bless the original
author , Ganga Ram the Gardener and his
Ganga Ram the
school gardener, as usual,
Was tending his garden and a peon came there,
And told him, “Ganga Ram, you are being,
Called by the Head mistress urgently.
Poor Ganga Ram left the job there,
Perspiring all
over and shivering,
From head to foot
and almost ran and reached.
The chamber of
the head mistress of the school.
He was an extremely sincere worker and the whole town,
Used to tell that no one can maintain garden like Ganga
And he saw that
the head mistress was very
And she called him in, showed a paper and told him to
read it
With Tears in his eyes Ganga Ram told her,
“Madam, I am illiterate and how can I read it?’
And then the Head mistress summoned
a teacher,
And requested her to read the letter that was written in English
The teacher knew Ganga Ram did not know English,
And so she explained what is written there to him.
She first told him that it was written by his daughter,
Who was
studying in her class and was addressed to the Head mistress?
The little one wrote, “Since my mother died at child
It was not she who held me first but my
dearest father.
He was from a village family which was
considered rich,
And all his family members including his parents wanted him to marry again.
Then they threatened him that he would be banished from their family,
But this did not bother him at all and one day he left his very dear village,
And settled down
in this city and right from that day, worked day and night,
So that I could be nurtured properly and there were days
when he did not have any food.
If he ever saw me liking any food, he would tell me that he does not like it at all.
And made me eat
every morsel of that food and I understood why, only when I grew up,
He sacrificed all his needs and all his wants so that I get everything
that is the best,
And this school gave him a job and also helped me by admitting me, in this great school.
If mother is love and hugging, my father had much more of those,
If my mother would sacrifice, my father had sacrificed
much more,
If my mother is a picture of mercy, my father is a treasure
of mercy,
To summarise if mother is my mother, my father too is my
great mother
On this mother’s day, I would like to greet my father
Because, he is the
greatest mother in this world,
I would like to salute the Gardner of this great school,
And tell all of you
that he is my mother as well as father.
I am sure my teacher
would not give me marks to this essay,
Which was written
by the pen of affection using my blood and tears as ink?
But I consider that this is the greatest gift that I can ever give,
To my father, who is the most selfless and affectionate mother,
I could have.
The entire hall was
silent except for the
sobbing sound of Ganga Ram,
Possibly no heat of the sun could make his cloths
wet with his sweat,
But the words
that rained from the voice of
the teacher,
Made him soaking wet, not only his body but also his
The humble, efficient Gardner snatched the letter from the teacher’s hands,
Hugged the paper
as if it was his life and sobbed so
loudly, as if his heart will break.
The head mistress made him sit on a reluctant chair and offered him a cup of tea,
And told, “This essay was evaluated by all the teachers and
every one gave it ten out of ten.”
WE have decided that among the thousands of essays
written for mother’s day,
In this school ,
this is the best and the entire management of the school ,
Have unanimously decided to have Ganga Ram as the chief guest on the mother’s day,
And we have decided that a father can also become a
mother due to his love and dedication.
We of the school
are proud that apart from a great gardener,
we also have a greatest parent,
WE would like to
write under each teacher and
students signature the following.
“Oh Ganga Ram, you not only nurtured our garden very well, but you saw to it,
That the costliest flower that was given by your wife to you
never fades but always blooms.”
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander