Quo Vadis , Brahmin Priests and Their Dakshinai?
Quo Vadis , Brahmin Priests (Purohitha- Puro Hitha those who are in front of us to do acts which are beneficial to us) who help us to do Vedic rituals
They are
all supposed to be well versed in
Vedas especially the Gruhya soothras.They can
specialise in any of the three Vedas
viz Rig, Yajur and Sama Veda.When we go
through the puranas we find
that such priests
were mainly employed by kings who
rule the country But with disappearance of kings , they
were employed by agraharams (cluster of
Brahmin houses), With agraharams not being as rich
as the kings , this class of
priests became poor, Their major income was from weddings
and after death ceremonies of the families of
Agraharams and rarely by participating in Yagams which
were conducted by rich Brahmin families.
With Brahmins moving away
to white collared jobs with
regular income in the cities , Some of
these priests also moved to
towns and their income started increasing .The poor
priests in the villages starved
all priests in urban
areas were able to get large number of
clients and two classes of
such priests came in to
existence in urban areas. The chief
priests and the subordinate priests
.All the rich Brahmins contacted only the
chief priests who deputed the sub
ordinate priests working under them
for various rituals .I
understand that the subordinate priests
have to contribute a small amount of
their daily income to the chief priests.
Slowly the
trained subordinate priests became lesser and
lesser and so the main
priests were forced to
employ so called priests who have not
studied at all as their assistants.
Perhaps because of this we
do find rich chief priests moving in
their own cars with their very costly cell
phones and also very poor assistant priests who some
how are managing to make both ends meet
leading a very poor life .
Most of the
villages do not have
priests and priests travel
from small towns to
surrounding villages.
Dakshina (fee for the officiating
priest) charged by priests
Most of the
Brahmins of the previous generation wanted
to perform all essential rituals
.They are all now slipping in to old age with their
income going steeply down .But the fee
charged by Vadhyars have sky rocketed. If you ask the
Vadhyars they say that they also want to
live like
all other employed people and
they also want to educate their children
like all others. Due to this the number of rituals being
performed by lower and upper middle
class people have come to the rock
bottom , If you enquire with them they say ,
except for after death rituals .marriage rituals and
upanayana (For which each family has to spend two or
three years of their life earnings) , they do
not do any ritual at home except Sradhams .
The next generation watching
these things keenly tell that , they do not
intend to do even these rituals . I
know of a few youngsters , who have returned back to USA
after cremation of their dead parents scared
of the huge expenditure of
after death rituals .Many of them openly
talk about Arya Samaj weddings(Why not Samashti weddings?) and
Samashti upanayanams which are much
cheaper. Some of the old parents are even thinking of
writing a will saying that they are not
interested in
after death rituals or Sradhams.
Has not the
time come for all
of us to make our
welfare associations to look in to this matter and
fix up reasonable dakshinai for
different Vedic Karmas.
Rightly said. I think, we brahmins must take the job of vadhyars post retirement. This will help to reduce the cost without compromising on the customs.