Old father-sorrowing -lonely and not cared for?
Is this true?
Translated from Tamil by
The final days of most of the fathers,
Is spent mostly in loneliness and silence,
And it is sad that it is also spent ,
In avoidance and hatred by his family.
Possibly due to this fathers want to,
Keep on working and want to die just before retirement.
For they know that they cannot take care of their grandchildren,
Or help the family of their children by doing cooking.
Their children want him to sit in a corner ,
Take their food three times a day,
Not interfere in their or their children’s,
Life by giving unwelcome and useless suggestions.
A very aged father would not make any demands,
For all his life had been spent on giving and not asking,
And he quickly realizes that he is useless to his children,
And So please fulfill his requirements without his asking.
If they have reading habit buy books and magazines for them,
See to it they have some money with them as pocket money,
Make them feel important by asking their advice ,
And do try to give them some small work , which they can do.
Please never separate his grand children from him,
And teach those children how he has sacrificed everything,
So that his children should have nothing to worry about.,
And tell them that, , his only aim in life is their welfare.
Please do everything possible to make their life peaceful,
If they like music and news , do purchase a radio for them,
And if possible a separate TV with a separate room for them,
And if he likes book , do join a library and bring books for them.
Please understand that life for him after death of his mother ,
Is terrible , because always he depended on her for everything.
Please understand that he is not like his mother , who can merge with all,
And bend to everything without breaking at all.
Oh children understand all this and respect and look after your father,
For the day that you will become old is not far off.
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander