Thank you God , and Thank you to all my known and unknown friends
With tears of joy in my eyes , I thank God and each one of you
P.R.Ramachander ( Raja Thatha)
A few months back, knowing well thatAll my translations which are in google blogs
Are not permenant and would vanish after me, I was not knowing what do do,
Then God one day told me to approach Hindu pedia, the world encyclopedia
Of Hinduism and request them to preserve it. Dr,Krishna Maheswari who is the chairman of Hindu pedia,
Said there is no problem and he will put all my work in pdf form in the encyclopedia
So that my work will be forever available to all those who wanted it.
I send all my work typed and classified in pdf form and everything is now and forever available in (More than 25000 typed pages)
Daily hundreds of
letters from all over the world are pouring to me
appreciating the work.
I would like to mention that it has been done so that it will reach the future generations who may not know any Indian language so that hindu prayers and religion are understood by them and preserved for ever
So that , these great treasure of our religion is available to them and this is my preliminary step towards preservation of this great religion.I am sure many of you would work very hard for fulfilling that aim. Just because we do not know ourmother toungue or Sanskrit , we do not have right to loose these great prayers and principles
I do not want to claim any copy right as it is not mine but ours and any one can use it if possible acknowledging my contribution(Even that is not needed)
God bless you all my friends in this journey of understanding our great religion and preserving it for many of those who want it