Monday, December 26, 2022

Dying days

Dying days


Oviyachinthu in tamil

Tanslated  by


(The scene of a death from the man dying is described here in a great fashion.kudos to the poet)

 Joy  was absent  in all faces


All relations  crowding together,

Were  Talking about the good in him


Unable to stand, talk  and even move

He  was  couting his  last days


All relations  simply drowned

Him with   their  love


Seeing those  relations,

Who Never  talked  a single word,

To him  who was  living alone,

Loving  him so muchand showering,

All that is  good on him,

He closed  his eyes  with great wonder


Whe n you do not get even a drop of love,

Even while living , many human minds

Are  dead  even when alive,




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