Sunday, June 25, 2023

Which is victory at different stages of life?

Which is victory at  different stages of life?


Translated from



Age  4-   walk by oneself

Age 8- go to any place alone  and  coming back  without missing the way

Age 12- Getting more than 4 friends

Age 18- Getting driver’s  licence

Age 22-  Becoming a graduate

Age 25- Getting a good job

Age30-Having  one’s own family

Age 35-Having sufficient  income

Age 45-  Still look young

Age 50-Giving good education to one’s  children

Age 55- Be able to do our dtties

Age 60- Be able to work and earn  beyong this age

Age 65- Lead a disease  free life

Age 70 –Live not being burden for others

Age 75-Keeping up good relations  with old friends

Age 80-Ability to go out alone and coming back   without missing the way

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