Friday, June 28, 2024

Rules of life by Anon in Malayalam

 Rules  of life  by Anon in Malayalam


Translated  by



Do not go to places  where you are  not respected

Do not sell “respect”  to eat

Do not spit lying down with face up

Do not  cut branch  , you are setting

Do not sleep , when sun is rising

Do not walk  at improper times

Do not sleep in unknown people’s home

Do not wish for other’s property

Do not carry  family enmity  in mind

Do not forget  clan deity

Do not take oath  touching head

Do not fot forget while applying oil

Do not shake hand  while eating

Do not serve  food with bare  hand

Do not eat  food of miser

Do not serve like a miser

Do not keep  lamp facing south

Do not keep head towards north while  sleeping

Do not take broom during dusk

Do not throw out dirt at night

Do not  show laziness  in work

Do not  spend without knowing your income

Do not sleep without dinner

Do not eat ghee  during dinner

Do not disobey mother

Do not do bad  to mother

Do not forget  mother toungue

Do  not hate  mother land

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