Sunday, October 13, 2024

Meera’s kolu 2024 –all one but 1-10

Meera’s kolu  2024 –all one but 1-10





My  dear  daughter  whose  ,

Creative novelty is known to all,

Decided   that  this   year,

The theme  of her  kolu  was  one  to ten


She  said  that whatever  scene of mythology  ,

She chooses should have that many mumbers  ,

She  has chosen  should  be in one place,

And  I simply  blinked  and blinked


After  her set  up  is  over , she called,

Me  and showed what  all she has done

I told her  everything in puranas  are individual

But   she  said  , it is  not like  that and told me.


1.Not  2  but 1


What  her one is , she explained to me

There Was  devotee  of  lord Shiva ,

Who insisted  he  will go round one  god only

After some effort  Shiva  and parvathy  became  “One”


2.Not 1  but 2


Lord  Sun married  sanjana, the daughter of Viswa Karma

But she  could  not sleep   with  a person   so hot,
So she left her shadow  , chaya  there  and vanished

Her father persuade her to come back , Sun had  two wives


3.Holy  trinity  in one place


WE   all  know   that  lord  Brahma  created   the world,

But some  people say   it was Khoosmanda, who when

All creations vanished  created  three powers ,

Durga , Lakshmi and Saraswathy  who created the world


4.4 went away  but were  1  before Guru


Lord brahma  started  the creation  and he created,

Four sons from his mind   who were told to create

They  refused and decided  to learn , Lord Shiva as DAkshinamurthy

Taught them all that  needs  to be learnt to the four


5.Five  elements  all in  one place


She  then told  us  the   story  of Mahi Ravana

Who jailed  Rama    and lakshmna

 And Hanuman went there  to free them but  there was five lamps  there,

To put out you have to blow  with five elements  and he did by his five heads


6.Six children but   were  one


There  was asura called  tharaka  who took  a boon,

That  he could be killed  by  son  of Lord  Shiva

At  That  time  parvathy  was doing penance  to marry shiva,

From shiva’s third eye six sparks came which became   six children

The  Lord  Shanmukha  looked  after  by six maidens


7.Seven mothers/virgins  alwas as one


Seven is the number  which occurs  in mythology  often

There was  a    asura  called  andhakasura  and  Goddess

Took form of seven mothers  to kill  him  and there

Is seven virgins   in Tamil Nadu   who were  all

Forms of goddess  Parvathi   who were  guardians  of  Tamil villages


8.Eight  1 in 3 all in one state


Eight   is the number  of different  type of Ganesas

Spread  all over  Maharashtra, Most  of them have two wives

Sidhi and Budhi  who were  sent  to him  by Lord  Brahma

Because he felt sad  that  he  was  the only  bachelor god


9.Nine planets   all in one place


Nine planets are  supposed  to determine luck of every one

And So Lord Ravana put them in prison in houses,

Where   they will do immense  good before a son

Who cried like was  born to him, but  SAni ,

Made a ball of his and  rolled  it  into a bad house

This  one  brought  his death at   battle  with Lakshmana


10.Ten incarnations  all in one place


Ten    were  the  incanation  Of  Lord  Vishnu

Once  there  was an Asura   called   Banda ,

Arose  from ashes of Manmatha  and

Goddess  Durga   fought  with him

And during war  she created ,

The ten Avatharas of Vishnu 

From her to kill  asuras  of past

Created by  Bandasura  and

She killed Bandasura  herself

See each of her 1-10 in



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