Sunday, January 19, 2025

Respect your father in his old age

Respect  your father  in his old age


Translated  from tamil




It  is extremely  sad  that  ,

The last   days  of the life,

Of father mostly   is spent

In silence  and solitude


Possibly due  to this,

Fathers   think  that  they

Should  always  be working

And should die before they  are not  able  to


After  toiling   all their  life ,

For   the good of their families

The children always think that

All that they  need is three times food


An aged father would  not  like,

To ask  anything   from their children

For he is habituated only   to give,

And never ask   any  thing in life


If they  have   reading   habit  ,

Provide  them  atleast  with  a newspaper

Give them little cash for small expenses

And would  like  to play with his  grand kids


Instead  of daily  crying  after  his death,

I forgot  to do this or  that  to him

Even when they   are alive , put efforts

To  make  their  last  days  peaceful


Solitude   is  simple  torture  to old father

If possible   daily   set apart  a time  to talk,

With them   and if  you can   afford  .

Provide them  with  separate Tv


Please  understand  that  solitude  of Widower

Is extremely  terrible   and simple   torture

For his wife  was  the  only  soul  who had

Been  bending to his  wishes  and living  with him