Mile stone 3 Informing Brahmins about rules and rituals as well as manthras for different occasions

Some time in 2005, I started putting the tharpana sankalpams for every year as well the upakarma manthras for every year in yahoo groups .In 2008 one of my friends requested me to translate in to English, a tamil of rites and rituals called samkshepa dharma sastram. It was initially put in celextel .org and later I started my own blog . According to one of my yahoo group friends , I translated , a book in tamil called SAmkshepa dharma Sasthram and started my blog with this translation . I first put the manthras for doing , sandhya vandana, Tharpana and also Avaniavittam for those from the three Vedas separately. I then reviewed the iyer marriage procedure step by step and gave a detail write up , I also gave the procedure for doing pilgrimage to Rameswaram and Varanasi.
I started giving tharpana sankalpa manthras aand Avani avitta manthras every year in English .These were very helpful for people living in places, where priests are not available and became immensely popular.
Apart from them, I went on translating books on Iyer rituals , AS per the request of people , I have also put , Mahalaya paksha THarpana manthras and their sankalpa Manthras of every year
This blog became immensely popular and has become very useful in persons living abroad .Seeing them, many people contact me for clarification on certain rituals when no one is available to them .I have been continuing to take lot of interest in this activity .In the last 10 years about 20 lakh people have visited this blog.I think God has directed me to help people in safeguarding the rites and rituals of Iyer Brahmins
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