Mile stone 1 -
stotras addressed to gods

I wrote in
july month 10
years back that
The first mile stone is my completing the translation of
500th Stotram, I can publicly confess that I am not a great scholar and
whatever I have done is by the express guidance from God. This great collection
includes such gems like Bhagavad Gita, SundraKandam of Ramayanam, Devi
Mahathmyam, Sri Krishna Karnamrutham ,Three great Sahara Namams(Vishnu, Lalitha
and Shiva) The great Abhirami Andhathi from Tamil ,and Jnana Pana of
Poonthanam. It also includes great works like Narada Bhakthi Suthra, Yaksha
Prasna, Aprakshanubhuthi, Sri Ramo dhantham and so on. I would like to humbly
bow before God and tell, “Lord, thank you for using me as your finger for
typing in my computer using my fingers.”
During the
last ten years , the God typed much more
than the previous 10 years and
the above milestone remains Like this:-
I Stotras written
in different languages
Hindi 133, Malayalam 135 , Tamil 250, Telugu 2, Marathi , 1
Sanskrit Sanskrit 1621 –total
II Stotras
addressed to different gods
Ayyappa 259 ,
DAthathreya 23 , Ganesa 67, Guruvayurappan
91 , hanuman 24 , Krishna 96,
Lakshmi 45 , Narasimha 39, Navagrahas 62
, Parvathy 231 , Rama 87 , Shanmukha 49 , SAi Baba 30, Shiva 139 ,Venkateswara
23 , Vishnu 183
III.Stotras Which
are wtitten in different formats
a.Panchakam 35
Shatkam 6 , AShtakam 175 Navakam 2
Dasakam 16 ,
b.sthava raja
7, gayathri 87 , dhyana sloka
30 ,pratha smarana stotra 10, karavalambam 6, Vedic Sukthams 22,
suprabatham 20, kavacham 83, bhujangam 13
c. dwadasa nama 12
, shodasa namam 3,Ashtothara namam 75 ,
sahasra namam13
d dandakam 5. Panjaram 3, gadhyam 4, Mangalam 32
Apart from
three Ramayanas from three
languages,27 upanishads ,and 21
minor and major books, have been
translated by me
I am thanking God
the author of all these
translations for getting all these typed my fingers
namo Narayanaya Om namashivaya om
Shanmukhaya, om Ganesaya,
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