Saturday, February 1, 2025

Pithru slokas

 Pithru slokas

Verses   about father


Translated by



(There  is a general feeling   thatFather  is neglected  and mother  is euologised in ancient India.Here   are few slokas  praising father)


[1] Sholka No 1

पिता धर्मः पिता स्वर्गः पिता हि परमं तपः।
पितरि प्रीतिमापन्ने प्रीयन्ते सर्वदेवताः॥


Pithaa Dharma, Pitha Swargaa, Pithaa  hi paramam  Thapa

Pithaari preethimaapanne, preeyanthe SArva  devathaa


Father is religion, father is heaven, Father himself is great meditation

The love towards  is  father  is greater  than all gods


 [2] Sholka No 2

जनिता चोपनेता यस्तु विद्यां प्रयच्छति
अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः
- चाणक्य नीति

janitaa chopanetaa cha yastu vidyaaM prayachChati
annadaataa bhayatraataa pa~nchaite pitaraH smRutaaH


He  who makes us born, He who is leader, He who gives us knowledge

He  who gives us food, He who removes our fear and the  five type  of fathers


 [3] Sholka No 3

सत्यं माता पिता ज्ञानं धर्मो भ्राता दया सखा।

शान्ति: पत्नी क्षमा पुत्र: षडेते मम बान्धवा:


satya mata pita gyaanam dharmo bhrata daya sakha.

shantih patni lshama putrah shedete mam baandhawaah.


Truth is mother , father is knowledge,brother is religion, mercy is friend

Peace  is our wife, Patience is our son, these  six are our relatives


 [4] Sholka No 4

सर्वतीर्थमयी माता सर्वदेवमयः पिता
मातरं पितरं तस्मात् सर्वयत्नेन पूजयेत्


sarvatIrthamayI maataa sarvadevamayaH pitaa
maataraM pitaraM tasmaat sarvayatnena pUjayet


Mother is all sacred waters, father  is all gods

And so at all times  they  should  be worshipped


 [5] Sholka No 5

यन्मातापितरौ वृत्तं तनये कुरुतः सदा
सुप्रतिकारं तत्तु मात्रा पित्रा यत्कृतम्


yanmaataapitarau vRuttaM tanaye kurutaH sadaa
na supratikaaraM tattu maatraa pitraa cha yatkRutam


That which is always   done  by  mother and father

There is no equal repayment  to what  father  and mother  have done


7. Akhlianna  aparadhaan may  kshamaswa  karunanidhe

Praseedha asmaadh Guro deva Janakaaya namo nama


Oh Treasure of mercy  please pardon all mistakes  committed by me

Oh Guru deva Be pleased with me , Oh Father salutations and salutations

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