Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thieves in web of modern life

Thieves  in web of modern  life
Translated by

Three  thieves wearing a  carona mask  ,
Entered  a  big  government  bank and shouted,
“The money belongs to government  and life  is yours,
If  you want   to back alive  , Lie down, seeing  the floor”

Every one did, because , they all  understood  ,
Without argument, this  is called  “change  their mind”
Suddenly  one lady turned back, and was  lying on the top of the table,
The thief told , “Madam this  is not rape  but dacoity”

All people  including staff  laughed for  the thieves ,
Were  showing professionalism and concentrating on their work,
When thieves were about  to go , one of  them said let us count,
The experienced leader  laughed and said ‘We will see it in tomorrow’s paper”

The bank manager  called  the area manager  reported  the theft  and,
“He asked how much has been lost” and  he was told “ten crores”
And he again asked “How much is remaining, he said “Five crores”
And he said , We will report “15 crores”  and share the rest

This is called  “swimming with the tide” and branch managed prayed,
“Oh God send  three dacoits   every month” and  Next day  morning ,
The thieves read the paper, started quarreling  among  themselves,
And chief said, “unlike us the manager  without doing anything  got 5 crores”

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