Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Meaning changes with time.

Meaning changes  with time.


Translated by



One boy  , told a girl- I am your BF.

What is that  she asked.Best  Friend


They started  loving each other

He told her,  I am your BF

What is that  , she asked with shyness-Boy friend


After  some  time  , they Got married, They became parents to  Pretty children

He told her  -I am your BF

Wife asked  slowly- What is  that?

Baby’s father


They became old   and were  watching sun set

He told her  -I am your BF

The granny asked the granpa-What  is that?

You  “Be forever”


At   the time  of death he said-I am your BF

She asked very sadly” What is that now?

Bye  forever, he said


After    some years  she also died

She   saw  her garlanded  photo and said BF

Heavens said  “Besides  forever”

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