Friday, August 30, 2024

Visit by a scholar poet Rajan

Visit  by a scholar  poet Rajan


Rajasekharan Venkatraman 

(Yesterday  Rajan (Rajashekaran  ) and Brinda  who are  children  of my  Thankanna  visited me. Though they  both are  juniors  in age , They showed  how  intimate  is our relation. . These  lines  touched me)



A scholar’s haven, where wisdom resides,

Surrounded by knowledge, where culture abides.


His legacy etched in timeless themes,

In words translated, a heart well-matched.


From ancient texts to melodies sweet,

His passion endures a noble feat.


A beacon of light, in a world of change,

Preserving traditions, for eternity's range.

 Across the miles, a connection deep,

A family's story, to forever keep.


A glimpse of the past, a memory's trace,

A treasured moment, filled with light.


A bond of family, strong and near,

In Ammanji Kutty, a love so profound.

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