Friday, December 22, 2017

Mad, semi and sane

Mad, semi and sane

Sri Guru moorthi

Translated by

(I have taken some independence in my translation.Hope the author would pardon.)

One journalist went  to interview a psychiatrist  ,
And asked  him , “How will  you find our  ,
That   your patient  is completely  cured  ?”
And the doctor told  ‘We will give  him,
A bucket of water , a sppon and a mug .
And request him to   empty  the bucket.”

The journalist understood   and told the doctor,
“If he  empties it with a spoon, I hope he  is not cured or he is a baby,
But I were  given the task , I will empty   with the mug.”
The doctor  laughed  and said, “Oh then you are semi,

A normal man will simplyoverturn and empty the  bucket.”

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