tale of a teacher
Translated by

Keeping his hand
daily on the black board,
He daily breathes the
dust of Chalk,
Teaches, Teaches and teaches,
with lung filled with chalk
He has
the constant pain always there.
When the teacher punishes the student,
With a great sorrow , so that the student ,
Does not become useless, he is punished
by the society
That society which has
the so called love for the student
the teachers are the ladder
of progress,
Most of the people trod on them and they
cry in great pain,
And to them
who get salary which always keep them poor,
Further insults
and insults are added so
that they always
shouting and shouting , so that
all students should hear ,
and outside his class , to
which , no one bothers.
The society shouts
at him as if he is a useless animal
Just like shouting
at the artist thinking
that he is wounding the stone,
he is working
hard to make A god out of it.
He who goes to school in the morning as a teacher
Returns home in the evening as parent of his child,
With pain in his mind that ,
he does not have any money,
To pay his child the heavy
fees in the college,
And he spends
sleepless night tossing in his bed .
One side
pressure for progress of
his own students,
Another side the students who refuse
to cooperate,
And in the middle and the crushed teacher, gets lots,
Of bad name that he spoils future
of children
They will say today they do
social service,
Tomorrow they will
sacrifice them for
no reason at all,
Today they will call them architect of future and tomorrow the enemy
of progress,
they will live or die , they will die as a
They will be gods of knowledge who do their job ,
sincerity , honesty and of course
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