Threes and sevens of life
Translated from Tamil
(very many people have
posted it in face book as well as outside .My thanks for the first one.I may not be first one who has

1.Three things
wait for no one
a. Time b .death
. c. customers
2.Three things will make
even siblings as enemies
Ornament b. wealth c. Money
3.Three things
cannot be stolen by any one
Intelligence b. Education. C. Good cultures
4.Three things
should be remembered
a. Truth b. Responsibility c. Death
5.Three things cannot be taken back
a. arrow shot
b. words told c. soul which left the body
6.Three things you
can get only once
a.Mother b.Father c.Yoputh
7.Three people to
be respected
a.Mother b.Father c.Teacher
1.Seven things
which uplift you
a. Honesty in
poverty, b. Patience in anger ,c .Attempts in spite of defeat d. Help given in spite of poverty e. Courage
in spite of failure f .Simplicity in spite of riches. G. Humility in spite of greatness.
2.Seven things
that show us the way
a. Talk after
thought b. Talking only truth c. Talking with love d. Talking slowly e. Talking at proper time f. Talking
sweetly g. Talking only when needed
3.Seven things
for sweet life
happy b. Laugh honestly c. Help others d.
Hate none. e. Never be lazy f. Welcome every day with enthusiasm
g never be angry
4.Seven things we have to be attentive
a. Our words
b. our actions c. Our thoughts,
d. our behavior, e. our mind f. our past
g. our future
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