Subbu Kutti -the great astrologer-Did he find out about Carona

There was a meena mami in a village.Her husband’s name was Subbu kutti. Though intelligent Subbu Kutti never did any job.
Meena Mami’s friends one day teased her saying “your Subbu Kutti is useless and he knows nothing
Meena Mami told them “Who said like that”he is a great astrologer” .All Mamis laughed and one Kamalam Mani told Meena Mami ”today at 5 in the evening , I am going to make Dosas. Can he say how many?”
Meena Mami told them “Who said like that”he is a great astrologer” .All Mamis laughed and one Kamalam Mani told Meena Mami ”today at 5 in the evening , I am going to make Dosas. Can he say how many?”
Meena Mami said “Yes , he needs to do some pooja” and she came home and told Subbu Kutti, “I want you to tell , by 6 PM, how many dosas , Kamalam Mami , will make at 5 PM”
Subbu Kutti was perplexed and said “Ok”. Exacltly at 5 PM , Subbu kutti hid behind the wall of Kamalam Mani’s kitchen. He then counted how many soi sounds were heard from there ,He heard 40 sounds, “
He came back to his home , put Vibhoothi, closed his eyes andsat before Guruvayurappan photo .When Kamalam Mami came he told her that she has made 20 dosasa.She was astounded (Dosai is called Dosai because it makes do sai sounds)
Kamalam mami was a first class gossip, She told every one in the village, “ about what a great astrologer Subbu kutti was
Next day evening one farmer rushed to Subbu kutti’s home and told him, “My cow did not come back . I heard you are a great astrologer.Find it out” .Subbu kutti said, “I have to perform a great pooja during the night and at that time the farmer should practice social distancing”
After thefarmer went subbu kutti searched for the cow all over the village, found it out and tied, it to a pillar of the temple
When Farmer came he told “I had to struggle a lot and the ghost told only now. Give me rs500” the farmer gave and Subbu kutti told him where the cow was
Next day another farmer came and he told that his crops were drying and he wanted to know, when it will rain, Subbu kutti again asked him to do social distancing , and all the night pulled water from a nearby well and watered the farmers field
Next day he collected rs 1000 from Farmer and told him that he Asked God to rain only to his field, To every one’s surprise this was true
Slowly the news of his ability reached the ears of their chief minister. One day the CM lost the diamond necklace of his wife .He sent for Subbu kutti and told him that if he does not recover it, he will cut his nose and ears
Subbu Kutti was greatly worried. He asked the CM to arrange for a big pooja for ten days and he said that except for two servants no body should come near his pooja place
Subbu kutti did not any manthras .Thinking that he will loose his nose ears , he started chanting “Om Nose nama ., Om sri Kathe nama(Kathu word for ear in tamil)
Subbu kutti did not any manthras .Thinking that he will loose his nose ears , he started chanting “Om Nose nama ., Om sri Kathe nama(Kathu word for ear in tamil)
The diamond necklace was actually stolen by the two assistants allotted to him. Their names were Nosamma and Kathappa. They over heard the manthras and thought that they were discovered. So they went and told him everything. He got rs 10000 from them as well as the necklace. He returned the necklace and again got lot of money
Then in that kingdom Corona virus came .The prime minister sent word for Subbu kutti aqnd asked him to find out when the disease will get over Subbu kutti asked for a days time .Burnt his home and told PM “I would have definitely found out. Unfortunately My house got burnt and all my astrology and pooja books were lost. So I will not be able to help you.”
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