Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Be good , the world will be good to you

Be good  , the world will  be good  to you

Translated by

(Not at all mine  .Some one  wrote it in Tamil)

One person   went   to his Guru and told,
Every one in this    world    in mad at me,
And they keep on troubling  mr forever,
Please   tell me    what should   I do?

The Guru said ,”there  was a room   with ,
One thousand mirrors and one little  happy girl,
Went inside   that   room and played   there,
And she saw thousand happy   girls plying there.

She  said, “What  a pretty room, I would love ,
To be forever  here’And next day  , a morose ,
Selfish always sad  boy   went in   the room,
And he saw , morose   , sad  angry children  all aroung

He came back  and told , “hopeless  place to go  ,
Filled   with bad boys who hate  me”: and the Guru said,
“This world is that  room of thousand mirrors, if you are,
Bad, angry and troublesome, All the world  would hate you

The Guru adviced him, “Keep your mind like   the first girl,
And you will fnd, The world is full of people   who like you.

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