Thursday, October 3, 2019

Father -Daughter relationship

Father  -Daughter  relationship

Trancreated  by

A.Daughter  to father

1.To the father , daughter is always  the golden darling
2,At a particular stage of  life , man will love  their daughters more than their wife
3.Only man has  three  mothers-  Their mother  , Their sister  given by their motherr and their  daughter given by their wife
4.Among   these  three mothers  , it is the daughter mother  who is with him till he dies

B.Father  to daughter

1,Only  a father  can be their honest friend and perennial  protector
2,Father  introduces   the world to her
3.Father  never  gets   angry at her
4.Father  never says “no”  to demands  of daughter
5.Father  guards   her  always and always
6.Father  is the one   who teaches  courage  to his daughter
7.Father  is always stable   and never changes
8. Every girl  wants to protect her father  , till he dies

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