Saturday, May 25, 2019

Good old days -- Nowadays

Good   old days     --                                                   Nowadays


Every house   used  to have a widow           --          Widows   are very rare   nowadays

Second wife was   common                        ---             Bigamy  is a crime now

The  life expectation at  birth,                   --              It is  around 70 now .
Was  around  30 then

When a  girl does  not  get married,           ---            When a boy does not  get married,
Parents  used  to get worried                                   parents   are greatly worried

Rarely 60th  birthdays were  celebrated      ---         Very many people celebrate  100th birthday

The average height of a man   was5 feet,     ----         Boys are  nowadays more than 5 feet  8 inches  tall
5 inches   and girl was   five feet                            And girls are  more than 5 feet 6 inches tall

Only  when there  is no one   to cook ,       ---            No one  likes  to cook  and most  of the time
People   went to hotel                                             every one   goes to the hotel

One person earned  to look after  nine        ---        Two persons earn and find it   difficult 
 Children                                                                      look after  one child

Hunch backed old people  walking ,             ---          People   are health conscious   and you
With walking   stick was  common                          Rarely   see  hunch backed  people

Every one   was  proud  of their,                   ----          Most people   do not know   what  they are
Mother  toungue  and mother land

Joint families   were the only thing             ---          No one  knows what they  are .They call
                                                                                      Parents living  with children as joint families
Every child fought   tooth and nail to get        ---      Most children are much richer   than their parents
Ancestral property tooth and nail                          And are  not bothered about parent’s property

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