Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Without faith , prayer will not help.

Without faith , prayer  will not help.


Many  of friends   are  asking,
“You  keep on giving  so many prayers, With they work?

An  elephant’s leg was   caught  by  a crocodile,
Elephant called  God for help but with belief in himself,
No God came to elephant   faith  him  but when,
The elephant  stopped Pulling  and cried,
“Oh Lord Vishnu , please  come ,  he came.

When Duchasana   waspulling  the sari  of Draupadhi,
Holding one edge of Sari tightly  , she   called  .
He did not come   but when she lifted  both her  hands,
And called   him , he did come to help her?

When Jesus entered  Jerusalem ,
Many lepers  approached  him for getting cured,
He asked them, “Do you believe  I can,
And yes , we have faith , he said to them,
Your faith  will definitely cure you.

Adhi Sankara  called  his disciple  on the other shore.
I need  your help please  come  and all  of them thought,
How will we ever cross the river  but one of them,
Just started  walking and a  lotus flower  sprang,
And supported   his every step and he reached  his Guru

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