Saturday, May 26, 2018

Me and Movies

Me   and Movies


    From the age  of 7 to  11, I saw  lots and lots of Tamil  pictures and few  Malayalam pictures  in Chelakkara, my native village .I remember   that I have seen Maya Bazar  , Manthri Kumari, Jeevitha   Nauka  during this time. THen I moved to secunderabad, From then  on, I was  a   regular   cini goer  there. I used to see Telugu, HInidi and Tamil pictures  almost every weak . When I was 14  my father   had to live secunderabad    and my   uncle  became  my local guardian. Due to this, I had   to get his signature  in my progress report    every month. I used to be  a very brilliant student    those days. So when  my marks went down in a particular month(I had seen a tamil film  avvayar   three times) my uncle shouted  at me for seeing too many films.I was deeply hurt and told my uncle  that   I would not be seeing any films   till  I completed my education. From then on till the  age   of 30 when I decided   to get married  I did not see   any film  though , in the university they used to screen fre films every week(which I did not see)   and I   lived  one year  in Calcutta   and2 years in Delhi. The picture I last saw   before     stopping   seeing films(age of 14)  was  “Shantaram’s Theen Bathi  Char Rastha-three lights and four roads ”   and the first film I saw   after I discontinued my penance  (age of 30)   was  “Three  Musketeers “  Even  after  I started seeing pictures,  I see a maximum  of 2  o r 3 pictures  in a  year .

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