Thursday, January 25, 2018

God is there

God is there

Rewritten in english  by

(Based on tamil posting  in face book  by several people  .Thanks to all of them)

One wise man   sat  for getting shaved ,
On the barber’s chair  of an intelligent barber.”
While conversing   the wise man   told,
“I do believe  that   God   is there.”

Then Barber said , “Take a walk on this road,
You would see  , crowd  of  orphan children,
Very sick old men  , Very   good  people,
Who do  not get a   job   and starve.”

He continued, “If   your God   were  there,
These  people   should  not have been there,.”
The wise man paid   and came  out  of the shop ,
And found , an old man  with long dirty  hair and unkempt  beard.

He rushed back   to the   barber   shop  and told,
“Looks  like   there  are  no barbers  in our town,
For look at this  man  with horrible hair and beard.”
The barber   for some  time  was not able   to reply.

Then he said , “I am there  and I am a barber  ,
If a person  does not come to me, what can I do?”
Wise man replied “Right  , similar to this,
Those  suffering people  had not  approached god”

And  please  telkl me  “What    can the  poor God  do?”
He can take   care  of those   people    on the road,
If only   they had   approached   him,

And  I hope   t you  will agree “God is there.”

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