Thursday, November 23, 2017

What does God who is our partner need from Us?

What  does God who is  our partner  need from Us?


(Based on a write up received by Whatsapp.My thanks to the author)

One poor person had lost his job ,
And requested  a rich man  to help him,
But the rich man said, I would make you  ,
My partner and all that   you need  todo,
Is to give me   ten percent   of what you get.

The poor man agreed   with joy and soon,
Became  very rich and thought   that  it is a waste,
To give   ten percent of his money  to his partner,
Who seemed to do nothing at all and stopped giving it.

This is what   is happening   in  the life  of each of us,
WE are born with nothing  and God  makes us  his partner,
Giving all that   we need   our body  , our senses,
Our brain , our  mind , which are  all invaluable.

For giving all this  God wants us  remember him,
Just for ten percent of   the time , to show our gratefulness,
And if   we   who have got    everything   from him ,
AS his partner   do not give his   his commission ,

WE are also as  ungrateful    and treacherous  like that man.

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