Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mother and Wife

Mother and Wife

Transcreated by

(I had  read a similar   essay   recently in face book. My acknowledgements to the friend who posted it.)

Mother carries you   in your womb ,
And wife    carries   you  all her  life,
Mother   gives   birth to you  and  nurtures
And  wife adopts   you  to nurture

Mother gave    you heart throbs,
And  wife gives you throb to achieve,
Mother is    the first cradle ,
And wife is the second   cradle.

Mother   is your first   God,
And wife  is a god equal to mother,
Mother brings you near sports arena,
And wife makes  you participate  in the sport of life.

Mother is the soul, wife  is body and soul ,
Mother  is yesterday   and today,
And wife  is today  and tomorrow,
Mother is birth  and wife growth

Without wife  motherhood does not exist,
Without  motherhood , good womanhood does not exist,
Natures   greatness  is in  creation of womanhood,
And greatness  of womanhood  is  in motherhood

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